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Physicist in the day, developer at night.

I'm interested in exploring quantum many-body systems with machine learning and modern methods of programming. I led and developed many scientific softwares and open-source projects, including QuantumBFS/Yao.jl and many other open source packages in Julia, Python and Rust. I'm honored to be the Wittek Quantum Prize Winner in 2020. I'm also a founding member of the JuliaCN , the Julia language localization organization for Chinese.


QuEra Computing Inc.
2020 - Present
Consultant, Scientific Software
Institute of Physics, CAS
Research Assistant
Fudan University
Research Assistant


University of Waterloo & Perimeter Institute
2019 - 2024
Ph.D in Physics
University of Science and Technology of China
2013 - 2017
BSc in Physics & Minor in Computer Science

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