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Understanding What Happens

The @data MyADT begin ... end code mainly generates the following code:

  • namespace: a module named MyADT
  • type: a Julia struct contains the corresponding storage MyADT.Type
  • storage: different kind of storage for each variant
  • interface: generate the ADT interfaces
  • reflection: generate the reflection functions

Now we will look into the generated code of the following

@data Message begin
struct Move
ChangeColor(Int, Int, Int)


The namespace is created as a baremodule, so that it eliminates all unnecessary symbols in the namespace. There are a lot of good reasons to create a namespace by default. I will not discuss them here.

In previous approaches, the implementation of namespace was problematic. In Expronicon, we support namespace by overloading Base.getproperty(::Type{Message}, variant_name::Symbol). Thus one will be able to use Message as a type while being able to use the syntax Message.Quit, Message.Move to access the variant constructor or variant instance.

From first look, one may think Base.getproperty(::Type{Message}, variant_name::Symbol) is not type pirating, because the type Message belongs to our namespace not Base. However, this is in fact type pirating or at least not friendly to Julia compiler because getproperty is used in Core.Compiler and the compiler will need to invalidate all getproperty(::Type, ::Symbol) to be able to use the overloading.

This is only true for getproperty, thus in SumType, one use an alternative syntax Message'.Quit. However, because Message is not a real namespace recognized by Julia compiler, this is still problematic, e.g one cannot import variant names from the Message namespace like what you can do in rust:

use Message::{Quit, Write};

Thus in Moshi, we choose to sacrefis the elegance of syntax a little to be more compatible with Julia semantics by actually generating a module and require users to always write an extra .Type to access the type of the ADT.


The storage of variants are just generated as a normal Julia struct:

# inside module Message
struct var"##Storage#Quit" end
struct var"##Storage#Move"
struct var"##Storage#Write"
struct var"##Storage#ChangeColor"

In the previous approach in Expronicon, Unityper and early version of SumType, we use unsafe_convert to force manage a piece of memory and calculate the alignment manually. This works OK for concrete ADTs but we lost the possibility for Julia compiler to perform optimizations like Union splitting because Julia compiler won’t be able to know it is actually an ADT.

In the GitHub discussion, @vjnash mentioned the Julia compiler is doing the rust-enum-like memory layout for Unions. Thus we can just use it, and generate our ADT as:

# inside module Message
struct Type
data::Union{var"##Storage#Quit", var"##Storage#Move", var"##Storage#Write", var"##Storage#ChangeColor"}


Now this comes together and we want to be able to write Message.Move(1, 2) to construct an instance of Message as the variant Move. One may intermediately define a function returns an instance of Type as following:

# inside module Message
function Move(x::Int, y::Int)
return Type(var"##Storage#Move"(x, y))

However, this will create an instance of Function (type typeof(Move)) instead of variant. Defining custom printing and reflections for it will cause type piracy. Moreover, we want to be able to use Move as a type to overload reflections later. Thus, we would like to define Move as an actual type:

# inside module Message
struct Move end

However, this will create an implicit constructor Move(). We do not want this constructor, because we will define the following function and return an instance of Type instead of Move. In fact, we will never use the instance of Move (This is evil in normal code, don’t do this!). I learned from Unityper that one can remove the default constructor by writing some random code inside the struct body:

# inside module Message
struct Move
1 + 1
Move() # will error!

Now we can define the constructors of our variants!

We will define an example constructor for Move all other variants share similar definitions. Because Move is a named variant, it has two kinds of constructor, the normal one:

function Move(x, y)
return Type(var"##Storage#Move"(x, y))

and the keyword argument one (similar to Base.@kwdef)

function Move(;x, y)
return Type(var"##Storage#Move"(x, y))

For anonymous and singleton variants, there is only the normal constructor.

Supporting Accessing Fields with Type Stability

Now we want to support the dot syntax of accessing fields of a variant. This is a little bit tricky because we need to define a getproperty that is type-stable. This is done by putting extra type annotations when overloading getproperty (like previous implementations in Expronicon and SumType):

function Base.getproperty(value::Type, name::Symbol)
data = Base.getfield(value, :data)
return if data isa var"##Storage#Quit"
error("singleton variant has no fields")
elseif data isa var"##Storage#Move"
if name === :x
return Base.getfield(data, name)::Int64
elseif name === :y
return Base.getfield(data, name)::Int64
error("unknown field name: $(name)")
elseif data isa var"##Storage#Write"
error("anonymous variant has no named fields")
elseif data isa var"##Storage#ChangeColor"
error("anonymous variant has no named fields")
error("unreachable reached")
end # if
end # function

However, this is not ideal when we know the variant type, for example, in a pattern matching statement, one knows the variant type after checking using isa_variant reflection. Thus we provide a special function that dispatch on the variant type we defined previously.

# inside Message module
function Data.variant_getfield(value::Message.Type, tag::Base.Type{ChangeColor}, field::Int)
# ...

this allows Julia to perform constant propagation & folding when the variant type is known.


The rest is generating reflections accordingly. Please see the Reflections section.

Supporting Type Parameters

Because now we are just using a Julia Union as the internal storage, supporting type parameters becomes quite simple. Most of the code generation remains the same, except handling conversion between singleton types. Considering the following case:

@data Option{T} begin

The statement Option.None() should be a valid statement and be used for any Option.Type{T}, because this singleton instance does not depend on the type parameter T. This can be done by supporting a dummy type parameter. However, it is possible one define an ADT with type bounds, e.g considering the following imaginary case:

@data Option{T <: Real} begin

Luckily, Julia type system only allows type parameters to have an upper bound (which probably makes sense in reality). Thus we can always put the bottom element of the type lattice as the dummy type parameter, which is Union{}. Now, when we have

Option.None() = Option.None{Union{}}()

and we can support overloading Base.convert function to convert Option.None{Union{}}() to Option.None{Float64}() when needed. The rest will be handled by Julia type system automatically.