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Algebraic Data Type - Intro

Algebraic data types (ADTs) are a way to define dynamic data structures in a statically typed language. They are a powerful tool for creating complex data structures with a fixed set of possible values. In Julia, such use case often arise when you have a set of different struct types stored in an array or a dictionary.

For example, consider a simple data structure to represent a message:

abstract type Message end
struct Quit <: Message
struct Move <: Message
struct Write <: Message
struct ChangeColor <: Message

You are receiving and sending a sequence of such messages. You can store them in an array of Message type:

messages = [Quit(), Move(10, 20), Write("Hello, World!"), ChangeColor(255, 0, 0)]

However, this approach is not type-stable. The compiler cannot infer the type of the elements in the array. Because the type information of a Message is essentially only exist at runtime. This is where algebraic data types come in.

Moshi.Data offers you the infrastructure defining algebraic data types in a more concise and type-stable way. The above example can be rewritten as:

using Moshi.Data: @data
@data Message begin
struct Move
ChangeColor(Float64, Float64, Float64)

This defines a new algebraic data type Message with 4 variants: Quit, Move, Write, and ChangeColor. The Move variant has two fields x and y of type Int. The Write variant has a single field of type String. The ChangeColor variant has three fields of type Float64. This is like a Julia Union type, but with more syntax sugar.

Algebraic Data Type + Pattern Matching = ❤️

The idea of algebraic data type actually came from representing expressions. This includes Syntax Trees, Symbolic Expressions. It was first introduced in the Hope programming language in the 1970s.

For example, we can define a simple symbolic expression as follows:

using Moshi.Data: @data
@data Expr begin
Add(Expr, Expr)
Mul(Expr, Expr)

This allows one to represent expressions like 1 + 2 * 3 as Add(Number(1), Mul(Number(2), Number(3))). More generally, algebraic data types give you a way to represent complex tree-like (or DAG-like if self referencing) data structure.

To dispatch on such representations, it is common that one want to dispatch on the patterns of an expression instead of just dispatching on the type. This is why we want to pattern matching! Consider how we trivially simplify the above expression:

  1. when we see the pattern Add(Number(0), x) or Add(x, Number(0)), we replace with x
  2. when we see the pattern Mul(Number(1), x) or Mul(x, Number(1)), we replace with x
  3. when we see Add(x, x) we replace with Mul(Number(2), x)

These replacements can be done using if else statements, consider the following (pseudocode)

function simplify(expr)
if isa_variant(expr, Expr.Add)
if isa_variant(expr.lhs, Expr.Number) && iszero(expr.lhs.value)
return expr.rhs
if isa_variant(expr.rhs, Expr.Number) && iszero(expr.rhs.value)
return expr.lhs
if expr.lhs == expr.rhs
return Expr.Mul(Expr.Number(2), expr.lhs)
elseif isa_variant(expr, Expr.Mul)
# OK you get it, I'm not gonna finish this

This gets very verbose quickly, however, if we think about how these patterns are specified — they are specified exactly the same way how you would construct an instance of the pattern! Why not using this as a syntax sugar? So we can instead write the following:

@match expr begin
Expr.Add(Expr.Number(0), x) || Expr.Add(x, Expr.Number(0)) => x
Expr.Mul(Expr.Number(1), x) || Expr.Mul(x, Expr.Number(1)) => x
Expr.Add(x, x) => Expr.Mul(Expr.Number(2), x)

And now you can see that pattern matching is exactly why we love Julia! Julia’s multiple dispatch is a kind of pattern matching on types. Moshi brings you one step further — pattern matching values, types and many more! Combined with pattern matching, Moshi gives you the best experience working with ADTs. See next introduction section Pattern Matching - What is it? to learn more about Moshi’s pattern matching.

Generic ADT (GADT) for General Purpose Programming

The ADTs are powerful tools for composite data structure. Moshi also supports generic ADTs where you can specify a type parameter. This allows us implementing the well-known Option type from rust.

@data Option{T} begin

And similarly implementing result types

@data Result{T} begin

The GADT in Moshi is similar to ADT except there is a type parameter. In the static type of each instance, the type parameter can be specified as, e.g Option.Type{Float64} or just Option.Type.